Home No Idea Too Green
Home No Idea Too Green

No Idea Too Green

A couple weeks ago we hosted a “No Idea Too Green” event to discuss the designing of a green Student Center. The new Student Center will take a couple of years to build and will be attached to the current Jock Turcot building. This building will be by students and for students, so we can make it whatever we want!

At the “No Idea Too Green” event we came up with lots of great ideas of how to make our new Student Center great for both students and the ecology that we are a part of. Ideas ranged from urban aquaculture, to a living wall, to micro wind turbines. Someone even came up with an idea to create a dance floor that will harness the energy of students’ crazy dance moves.

Some of the ideas were focused on improving sustainability while enhancing already existent student groups, such as creating a permanent service space for the People’s Republic of Delicious and a kitchen that would be open for anyone to use. Indoor green space could double up as a way to regulate temperature and humidity in the building while also providing a safe and comfortable place for students to study, hangout, or even sleep.

Do you think these are good ideas? Sound boring, too unrealistic, do they sound expensive? To make this a truly green Student Center that is going to work best for students, we need feedback and ideas from everyone. Continue the discussion about how to make your Student Center green and great here: http://bit.ly/bwSP8e

- tasha

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