Home More Reasons Why You Should Become a Green Rep
Home More Reasons Why You Should Become a Green Rep

More Reasons Why You Should Become a Green Rep

What is the differences between a good recycler and a bad recycler? A good recycler carefully separates their recyclables, cans, paper, and glass, before filling the recycle bins. A bad recycler fills the recycle bin with ice to use it as a mini cooler.

Last year I wrote a nice little post about why you should become a Green Rep here at the uOttawa residences. There were a lot of things about how you could learn about environmental issues and how to be a better ecological citizen. And all that still applies.... but there is more now.

This year we are launching a new component to the Green Reps programs, a leadership program. The idea behind this program is to empower some of the Green Reps by offering them mentoring, management training, and augmented responsibilities.

Don't worry though, we will still have our classic Green Rep team members who will help out with the general Green Rep activities and meetings. And this year we are putting a hard focus on recycling. Following the revamp of the recycling system in the Thompson Residence, there is an opportunity to revamp the recycling counters in all residences if we see some success this year.

Take a look at the postings we have on our Green Reps webpage. If you think it is for you... apply. If you don't think it is for you... share it with your friends so one of them can apply.

Welcome back everyone, may your academic year be a green one!

~jON - campus sustainability manager
photo credit - jonathan rausseo

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