Showing posts from February, 2023


The Period Project: One Year Later

During the pandemic, a group of students working on a project for Ventures and the Office of Campus Sustainability came up with an idea to give away environmentally friendly menstrual products for free at uOttawa. Giving away free menstrual products is not a new idea, but it is new to uOttawa, and targeting environmentally friendly, local products is entirely novel. The students created an  Instagram account and got some funding from uOttawa's Student Life Services, UOSU, and Facilities Service. The Office of Campus Sustainability and Sanitary Services created a working committee with student representatives and got to work installing dispensers and spreading the news. It has been over a year since the project kicked-off and the Office of Campus Sustainability has completed the first Impact Report for the Period Project . And so far, the numbers look very promising. Bottom line, 13,149 menstrual products have been distributed through the distribution machines and at partner loc...