Showing posts with the label Activism


What the Heck is Divestment and Why Should I Care?

Evidence surrounding the link between climate change and anthropogenic greenhouse gas (ghg) emissions has been mounting and is widely accepted within the scientific community. While the environmental impacts of climate change are starting to be felt within Canada and across the world (i.e. environmental problems such as ocean temperature and level rise, desertification and more severe weather events, to name a few) curbing our ghg emissions has been met with much resistance. Since the People’s Climate March in New York, there has been a lot of talk of divestment, but what exactly is fossil fuel divestment and what does that mean for an institution such as a university? Think of divestment as the opposite of investment, or the removal of funds (such as the money invested in fossil fuel and mining companies) from one’s financial portfolio.    One of the founding arguments in favour of divestment is the concept of carbon bubble. It has been widely accepted within the scien...