Showing posts with the label Telfer


uOttawa SDG Week 2025

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) might be a popular concept you are hearing these days. At face value, they are a series of high-level goals that are meant to bring about a more sustainable world. This sounds pretty good but very few people have actually drilled down into what these goals mean and how they can be applied in your everyday life. Don't fret, that's exactly why the Telfer School of Management is taking the lead on hosting SDG Week from March 3rd to the 7th. Over a dozen events are planned to help you learn more about the SDGs. Test out an electric car, catch a movie, grab some free clothes, and nibble on some delicious foods! You don't have to show up for every event but there is a little something for everyone.  Here is a list of the fantastic events planned. ***** Monday ,  March 3rd       SDG Week Information Session  9am to 1pm | DMS Lobby      A ll students, faculty, and Staff are invited to participate in SDG week's first activity - ...

Making Telfer More Sustainable

Every year a dedicated group of workaholic students get together and do their part to make the Telfer School of Management at the University of Ottawa a little greener and a little more equitable. I say workaholic because the hours that they put in this event could only be accomplished by fanatics. And yet every year, (and don't ask me how) these young students, these pillars of the campus, somehow find the time in their busy schedules to make the Annual Sustainable Business Conference happen. Three years ago, a couple of students took it upon themselves to create a conference at Telfer that would challenge the reckless impact that business can have on the environment. The organizers toyed with the idea of focusing on things like mining and big oil, you know... as a way of garnering some controversy and generating some deep reflection about where funding for the University comes from. The first conference was well attended and surprisingly insightful. I mean, it was put together by...