Showing posts with the label normative behaviour


The New Green Normal

Photo Credit: Jonathan Rausseo Normative behaviour is a very strange beast. It is perhaps even the ‘holy grail’ of environmental psychology. It is thought that with the right strategy, normative behavior could save the planet. Dramatic pause….. Okay, maybe this statement means nothing to you right now but give me a moment and maybe I can give this statement some impact. First we need to lay out some ground rules; some guiding principles that will help us move through this conversation quicker. You will have to take these on faith but feel free to explore them in detail later. Everyone just wants to belong. Maybe not to the mainstream, but to something that’s for sure. There are very few actual loners. Most people may actually associate some form of subculture. Think about it; geeks hang out with geeks, jocks hang out with jocks, goth hang out with goth, and gleeks hang out with gleeks. All this is not to say that there isn’t inter-click mixing, In the absence of direct peers, people wi...