Home The New Community Garden is Here
Home The New Community Garden is Here

The New Community Garden is Here

Photo Credit: Jonathan Rausseo

Okay I know it is really late and not really the kind of thing you celebrate but the community garden is now up and running!!! Yeah it is late but come on... you think you could have done better! Please don't answer that question)

So the garden was started a couple of days ago. The plots are being dug up and people are already claiming theirs. And just in case you are starting to get any ideas - the plots are already spoken for. But you can get on the waiting list if you want. I mean the odds are that some people may have abandoned their plot. It is July right?

Anyways, the garden has a pretty unique design. Basically the whole plot is a like a twisting vine or massive floral pattern. The actual plots are designed to look like leaves, which is pretty sweet. The downfall is that the space may not be used as efficiently as it would otherwise if the plots were rectangles.

Now the garden is quite the upgrade from what it was originally going to be. 20 plots are now 42. Two large communal plots have been created for true community work. And the plot sizes went from 4 feet X 4 feet to 4 feet X eight feet.

Only time will tell if the garden will be a success with the community but my eye is already looking to the future. Next year I am hoping that we might use the space to grow some food for the campus (maybe Cafe Alt or Cafe Nostalgica). Or maybe we could set up some workshops for newbie gardeners? Our office is looking to increase the amount of green space on campus (including gardens) and if you want to help out please send us a letter or sign up to be on the waiting list.



Anonymous said…
Donate some of your extra vegetables to the Campus Food Bank! http://www.growarow.org/

Marnie said…
Lovely! It's great there is so much interest in community gardening and all of the plots are spoken for!
VSA said…
This is such a great idea. Some of the projects we support are creating community gardens that sell their produce to the local schools for school lunches. That is win win.

I am putting a website together for out foundation called The Saville Foundation, can I add your blog as a link?

Take care
uOttawaSustain said…
@ VSA - Nikki
Absolutely, we would be honoured!

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