David Lululemon Suzuki vs. Waste Free

Recycling is the Lululemon of sustainability. It’s hip. I always get a little thrill when I toss some paper into the blue bin. But there is more to recycling than those bins. We have something called Free Stores on campus where people donate clothes, binders, books, kitchenware and much more, and then we give them away.... For FREE. Yes, that’s right, FREE!

This week, I went by the Free Store to help out, and consequently walked away with a pair of rad boots, that only need a little mending on the sole, but that are sooooo comfortable. They’re like foot cocoons. If this sounds appealing, then you may be interested in participating during RecycleMania (an inter university competition in which recycling and waste production is monitored and compared to other universities in North America). 

And if that's not enough, we are also hosting a Lunch and Learn on February 2nd, during which Brigitte will speak about the Live Waste Free pledge. You can sign up for a week if you want to try it out. Or if you like a challenge, sign up for the whole two months. 

To help you along the way, Brigitte will be taking out all the pledgers to a grocery shopping trip in the market to show how easy it is to buy food without all the plastic excess (February 5th). Aaaand did I mention the prize? It’s a secret, but it’s awesome. 

As you can see, recycling can be pretty exciting. Beat that Lululemon!
You can learn more about RecycleMania on our website.

~ kath - campus sustainability coordinator
photo credit - jonathan rausseo

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