Home Among the Top 25 in the World
Home Among the Top 25 in the World

Among the Top 25 in the World

Two hands indicating the number twenty five in front of a picture of the planet

I am very happy to say that the University of Ottawa is again in the top tier of universities in the world when it comes to being a sustainable institution. (UI Green Metric World University Ranking)

This goes out to the rabble-rousers that stocked the shelves of the Free Store even though it was impossible to ever keep them full for more than 5 minutes;
to the caffeine junkies that gave away free coffee to the masses in order keep garbage out our the landfills;
to the cyclists that couldn't say no to one more ride even if it was in the rain;
to the paper pushers who still got the information out without having to knock down a tree to do it;
to the residence herders who would always share green tips with their flock even if it meant being called a tree-huger;
to the organics smugglers who would stuff old apple cores into their pockets because they couldn't stomach tossing good compost into a dirty garbage bin;
to the white-collar hippies who believe that the triple bottom line is the only bottom line;
to the green thumbs who willingly spent an entire summer toiling with the hard soil if it means that they get to enjoy the spoils of fresh cherry tomatoes;
to the bus nomads who dive head first into a stuffed metal box because it means that one less car hits the road;
to the mad scientists of the living lab who believe that experimenting on the public is totally cool if by experimenting you mean making more green space;
to the freegans who find endless ways to make endless meals with the endless amount of good food that almost went into the garbage;
to the pallet hoarders who know that with great pallets comes great furnishability;
to the light dowsers who know that a room without people is a room that doesn't need to have a light on;
to the committee hounds who are willing to sacrifice a beautiful Sunday to stay in a dingy meeting room if it means that the policy they create could make the difference between clean planet or a dirty one;
to the office recycling police who have an encyclopedic knowledge of what can go into any recycling bin;
to the office jungle guides who grow so mnay plants in their office that it could easily be mistaken for a forest;
to the dreamers who never accept what is but rather what could our campus be;
to the people at the power plant;
to the plumbers;
to the electricians;
to the carpenters;
to the designers and planners;
to all the profs and and student volunteers;
to the alumni;
to the largest donors;
to the smallest contributors;
This accomplishment is your accomplishment... thank you!!!

~jon - campus sustainability manager

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