Photo Credit: That’s right, I am talking to you anonymous blog viewer. I am assuming that you go to the University of Ottawa because it makes what I am about to write more relevant. Fortunately for Jon (my boss, Sustainability Manager for the campus), I am a Geography/ Environmental Studies student. This means I was forced to take a Geographic Information Systems course which basically involved digitally mapping lots of geospatial data in a program that caused me much frustration and sleepless nights. Cut to Jon asking as he walked by my desk, “Hey, you worked with GIS, right?” I absentmindedly answered “yes” and the next week I went on holidays. I returned to a good twenty emails were sitting patiently in my inbox that basically involved Jon lending me out to do various mapping projects, including some on campus. We have decided to do a Sustainable Transportation map of campus. In the past, we have done green maps on a google-like application. But now, we are getting legit....
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