Home The Misunderstood STARS
Home The Misunderstood STARS

The Misunderstood STARS

Photo Credit: Jonathan Rausseo

As Jon has already pointed out, we are on the final stretch of the STARS project. I know so much about STARS that it is slowly seeping out of my ears. In hopes of minimizing the seeping, I plug my earphones in, make myself a nice playlist on Grooveshark (Kat's STARS playlist) and plough through all the credits. And we are being quite efficient, if I may say so myself.

En route, nous avons rencontré plusieurs pépins : personnes ressources en vacances, courriels et suivis oubliés/ignorés/brulés/disparus de façon suspecte, rendez-vous annulés, pages web contenant des infos datant de l’âge des hommes des cavernes. Malgré tout, nous nous sommes débrouillés à coups de téléphone, surtout. C’est solide, un téléphone! Mais aussi à l’aide de connaissances et de recherches ardues.

The worst part was surprisingly not the slow if not absent feedback. It was often the fact that nobody seems to know what the heck STARS is. I understand, it’s an avant-garde thing for some. But come on! Do I really need to explain it again when the formal description, user friendly description and link are attached in the email? That’s what makes my job difficult. Some university employees were great and explained the concept to their branch or department, but others looked at me as though I were some gangly, pimply teenager wearing a Hannah Montana t-shirt paired with a Nightmare Before Christmas themed skirt.

Bref, j’adore mon boulot, mais vivement l’uniformité de l’information circulée sur le campus!


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