Showing posts from April, 2020


Student Blogs - University Biodiversity: A Resolution for 2020

This month we are featuring a series of blog posts from students in the ENV 2301 course "History of Environmental Thought". We are super happy to highlight the thoughts and ideas of these bright young indiduals. An iceberg in Tikhaya Bay in the Arctic Circle, Russia.Sputnik via AP/Vera Kostamo It is officially the start of a new decade, and everyone is already losing their cool- literally.   Amidst the devastating wildfires ravaging through Australia, as well as recent reports on increasing rates of melting Arctic ice* , concerns are growing around the world about the effects of climate change on important issues such as the protection of land and biodiversity. Today, the University of Ottawa and many other communities are at a turning point to face climate change with new and effective solutions. How can this be done exactly? Here are three steps that present how the University Ottawa should protect land and biodiversity: Reduce Consumption- As society...

50 Sustainability Accomplishments for the 50th Anniversary of Earth Day

In honour of the 50th anniversary of Earth Day, we are sharing the University of Ottawa's top 50 sustainability accomplishments over the past decade. Of course some of these activities have been slowed down because of Covid 19, but we wanted to show everyone our dedication to sustainability and highlight the amazing work of the community. You can see all the pictures realted to these accomplishments on Instagram . The University of Ottawa placed 20th overall for RecycleMania 2020 . The University has been the RecycleMania champions of Canada 9 out of the last 10 years. The University of Ottawa has a Community Supported Agriculture program. Every week during the growing season, a local, organic, fruit and vegetable basket is delivered to participants on campus. The University of Ottawa collects unpurchased food at the end of the day and donates it to 4 local charities. The University of Ottawa became Canada’s 7th Fair Trade campus . Today, the majority of all coffee ...

50 réalisations en l'honneur du 50ième anniversaire du Jour de la Terre

En l'honneur du 50ième anniversaire du Jour de la Terre, nous partageons le top 50 des réalisations en matière de développement durable que l'Université d'Ottawa a mises en place au cours des 10 dernières années. Vous pouvez voir toutes les photos sur notre compte Instagram . L’Université d’Ottawa s’est classée 20e au classement général de RecycloManie 2020 . L’Université a été la championne canadienne de RecycloManie 9 fois au cours des 10 dernières années. L'Université d’Ottawa a un programme d’agriculture soutenue par la communauté . Chaque semaine pendant la saison de croissance, un panier de fruits et légumes biologiques est livré aux participants sur le campus. L’Université d’Ottawa recueille les aliments non achetés à la fin de la journée et les donne à 4 organismes de bienfaisance locaux. L’Université d’Ottawa est devenue le 7e campus équitable au Canada . Aujourd’hui, la majorité du café que nous servons est équitable! Grâce à l’association étud...

What COVID19 Can Teach Us About the Climate Crisis

We certainly live in strange times. Not many people predicted the impact the COVID19 virus would have on the planet. People are coming together (metaphorically), to share resources and support one another. But COVID19 is also sharing an important message about the impending climate crisis. The big question is, are we listening. I am definitely not the only person asking this question, but is the COVID19 crisis a sneak peek of what's to come with the climate crisis? I want to explore what we can learn and how we might adapt. I don't intend to draw a link to the virus and changes in the climate (many people have already done that). But I intend to draw the comparisons between COVID19 and climate change. The first thing to consider is how the two crises are similar. This is not an exhaustive list, but it gets the point across. Both have a global reach; Both disproportionately impact lower economic / social groups; Both have disbelievers who think that it won't impac...