Showing posts with the label gorilla composting


Guerrilla Recycling for a Better Campus

What’s the first thing that comes to mind when people hear the term “Recyclemania?” Well, if they’re anything like me, most people think of that elevated and energetic sense of arousal one gets when separating paper and plastics. As it turns out, Recyclemania is actually an international recycling competition. And for the University of Ottawa, it’s a yearly waste-reduction campaign, aimed at shedding light on the necessity of sustainability, recycling, and responsible forms of waste management. So it turns out I’m not a doctor of recycling. Who knew? This year’s RecycleMania included a Guerilla Recycling event, which occurred each Thursday night for the month of March. It’s all about black hoodies, latex gloves, and getting elbow-deep in other people’s trash. While part of that may not sound appealing to most of you (really?), the whole process is much more rewarding than it sounds, and that’s not even considering all the loose change to be found at the bottom of the compost bin...

Forced to Live Waste Free for a Week

Jon has proposed a one-week waste free challenge for my next post. I secretly want to refuse, but my childhood shrieks to my parents of “What about the whales!” echo in my head. Instead I ask for a guide and am provided with this: . Realize quickly that this guide still allows for waste and ask for clarification on ‘contaminated papers’ and dental floss. Turns out floss is a plastic (good to know) and ‘contaminated papers’, which I assume also include used tissue (cleverly polite guide!), are compost. Realize the location of my city-issued compost bin is unknown to me. Decide that starting a waste free challenge at 11pm on a Sunday is not ideal as it would mean riffling through my garage in -20 to find my green bin. Also, procrastination is fun. And the week always starts on a Monday, right? Commit to waste free week. Starting tomorrow. Day 1 : Have decided to approach my waste free week by going on the offensive. If I don’t cre...

Zéro déchet à New York: du «gorilla composting» aux troncs de brocoli crus!

Photo credit: unknown En route vers le Canada, je trouve que je me suis quand même bien débrouillée pour vivre sans déchet à New York, surtout malgré le fait que la ville n’offre pas de service de compostage pour ses huit millions d’habitants. Voici quelques-unes de mes péripéties: 1- Vous pouvez voir ce que j’ai fait avec ma tranche de citron du restaurant indien sur vidéo ici. 2- Pour acheter une salade toute prête sans déchet, regardez ceci (à venir sous peu; la vidéo est avec ma copine). 3- Pour ce qui est de mes déchets organiques, je les ai compostés un peu partout en faisant du «gorilla composting»; c’est-à-dire que j’ai creusé un pouce dans le sol pour les y enterrer. J’ai rendu le sol heureux à Central Park et dans une plante-bande sur une rue au centre-ville. 4- Je me suis forcée à manger un brocoli, la moitié d’un poivron et un demi concombre crus parce que je n’avais pas le temps de les cuisiner, que je partais et qu’ils allaient probablement se perdre. Mmm, des pieds de br...