It’s the time of year when the weather is warming up, everything is fresh and new and everyone’s favorite activity comes to mind… Spring cleaning! Here are some quick tips on easy ways you can get rid of clutter, clean up and organize without creating waste. Purge Unused Items Someone wise once said, “If you haven’t used it in 6 months, you don’t need it.” Maybe it was Oprah. Maybe not. Since we live in an extremely seasonal climate, I stretch this for a year. For me this is mostly a wardrobe purge but look in your closets and under your bed. Are you REALLY going to use that tennis racket that has been lying around for 2 years? Collect all your good but unloved stuff and bring them to the Dump and Run ! You may not be using the seashell adorned photo frame your aunt gave you for graduation but someone out there might just fall in love with it. Don’t forget to look through your cupboards and pantry. Lots of dry goods can keep for extended periods of time but often, if...
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