When I was a student at the University of Ottawa, back at the turn of the century, there was no pedestrian zone on campus. The entire campus had traffic moving in both directions on every street. Imagine it, there was smog all over the place, little gas puddles everywhere, and you had to always watch out to make sure that a car wasn't going to bump into you. And believe it our not, there was actually rush hour on campus. Then, slowly some areas of the campus started to become more pedestrian friendly. Over the years, we have blogged about how the campus is gong to one day create a car-free core. Well, that day is here. Come September, you are going to notice a lot of changes on campus, especially if you arrive by automobile. A large section of the campus will be closed to unauthorized vehicles, marking the beginning of our transformation. And if you ask us why we are doing this... well the answer is Vision Zero. Vision Zero is a "strategy to eliminate all traffic...
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How to be Fashionably Sustainable: Be a Smart, Sustainable Shopper
A three-part series brought to you by us, sharing note-worthy tips and tricks on shopping smart, reducing your textile waste footprint PLUS, how to find sustainable brands! Unfortunately, the fashion industry was not built by green thumbs. Planetaid.org reports that “clothes can take up to 40 years to decompose.” We are taught to buy anything and everything we might need, which results in over-consumption. So let’s prevent things from piling up! If clutter, wasted money, and outdated clothing describes your current situation, then stay tuned! DO YOUR RESEARCH Research the companies you’re going to shop from. Know what their values are as a corporation in order to support ethical practices . Most major clothing brands are starting to develop collections that have “sustainable”characteristics - but don’t be fooled, major clothing brands like these are still considered “fast fashion” companies, most likely still partake in unethical behaviours such as sweatshops and unfai...
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uOttawa, We Need to Have a Discussion About Your Consumption Problem
Today is another day... wake up, brush my teeth, get to the University, spend the rest of the day emptying out the Free Store donation bin. Monday, empty the bin. Tuesday, empty the bin. Wednesday, open the Free Store... then empty the bin. Thursday, empty the bin. Friday, empty the bin. You're seeing the pattern right? This is something we are seeing at the Free Store this summer. We used to fill up the donation bin once a week, now it is once a day. We are getting record amounts of donations, which is great from a waste reduction point of view, but horrible from a resource requirement point of view. Put simply, it takes too much time to sort and clean all the new donations. We've spent some time trying to figure out what's happening (why are we getting so many donations) and we have come up with a few theories. Online shopping is taking off and that means a lot of purchases made were for things that didn't fit properly, or were passing flights of fancy...
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Green Vending Machines Are Coming?
I think we all know that the clock is ticking. Tick, tick, tick... eleven more years before bad climate stuff happens. So.... vending machines to the rescue? The pressure to start taking concrete action on climate change is ratcheting up. There is even a new form of disquiet that seems to be surfacing known as climate anxiety . From the point of you of an academic institution, there is rising pressure to find solutions to solve the problem. Concrete actions, like reducing the amount of natural gas burned through building retrofits or switching to electric vehicles, are great but expensive. Indirect actions, such as divesting from fossil fuels or purchasing local, seem to be growing in popularity as people realize that you have to "think beyond the campus". Indeed, even if all the cars in Canada became electric vehicles by 2030, we still wouldn't reach our climate change goals ... We have to start thinking broad, across all our activities because there is no m...
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No More Waste: Converting uOttawa Banners to Bags
I often marvel at the amount of time that disposable items serve a purpose for us before we discard them. If it takes hundreds of years for plastics to break down , surely we would hope that the useful life of that plastic would reflect its slow decomposition rate. Sadly, if that were the case I probably wouldn't be writing this post. Plastic garbage bag - 2 weeks of collecting waste and then sent to landfill (out of a potential 23,464 weeks before decomposition) Plastic wrap - 1 week to hold your leftovers and then sent to landfill (out of a potential 23,464 weeks before decomposition) Balloon - 3 days (if your lucky) before it deflates and then sent to landfill (out of a potential 164,250 days before decomposition) Styrofoam cup - 30 mins to drink your coffee and then sent to landfill (out of a potential 236,500,000 minutes before decomposition) Plastic straw - 20 minutes to drink your beverage and then sent to landfill (out of a potential 236,500,000 minutes before dec...
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A 2030 Sustainability Vision for uOttawa
Hey, so I think we need to talk. I guess you could sort of say that I’m asking you for a favour... Anyway, here it goes: The Office of Campus Sustainability is holding a couple of public consultations soon and you should definitely be involved. Okay I get it, but before you say no, hear me out. This year we’ve been running around, pumping out ideas. It’s a lot of work. Lately, we’ve been trying to get some attention from the uOttawa community. The office I am working with has been thinking about ways to get you to notice us and to make you happy because it really means a lot to us. Yes, we understand that Green Spaces are great but hey, we have a bunch of other issues as well that we want to put our efforts towards. Soooo, we started developing a sustainability plan as part of the new campus sustainability policy. Now, "what even is a Sustainability plan" you ask? Good question! We want uOttawa's sustainability plan to outline who we are, what our mission i...
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On the Brink of a Disposable Campus
For those who are plugged into the zeitgeist, the number 10,000 probably has a lot of significance. The 10,000 hour rule is a controversial idea that it takes 10,000 hours to master something. 10,000 steps means that you are on your way to a healthy level of fitness. At 10,000 feet you gain enough perspective to see the big picture. But I think that one of the most import things is that it is preceded by 9,999, which as we can all agree is a pretty big number. A decade ago our office came across a really startling statistic... every day on campus 6,500 disposable cups were being used. We figured out a bunch of different ways of representing what 6,500 disposable coffee cups means... if you stacked them end to end it would be 7 times the height of the peace tower, they could fill up 10 tennis courts, it is the equivalent weight of 125 basket balls... etc. For the longest time we kept talking to people about what a huge number this was. The concept that our simple little campus ...
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Kill the Cup in 2019
There are about 42,000 students at the University of Ottawa. What if each of them used just one single-use cup each day? 42,000 cups to dispose of? That is a lot of waste! Yes, single-use mugs are compostable (*not the lids!), but are students actually composting them? Not really… They are being put into waste bins, or worse, into paper recycling bins. Sometimes they still have coffee in them, which contaminates the paper that was going to be recycled. Sorting properly is one thing – (if you must use a single-use coffee mug, please put it in compost!), but how about trying to kick that habit? NO, don’t get me wrong, I would never suggest going a day without coffee! I am trying to say ditch the single-use for a month, maybe even just a week – YES, use a reusable mug! Your coffee will stay warmer, you save money, and you will help create a greener campus. Did you know you get a discount if you use a reusable mug anywhere on campus ? (Between 10 and 25 cents off your hot beverag...
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Tue la tasse en 2019
Il y a environ 42,000 étudiants à l’Université d’Ottawa. Si chacun d’entre eux utilisait qu’une seule tasse jetable à chaque jour? Ce serait 42,000 tasses à jeter; c’est beaucoup de gaspillage! Oui, les tasses jetables sont compostable (*pas les couvercles!), mais est-ce que les étudiants les mettent vraiment au compost? Pas vraiment…Les gens les jettent souvent dans la catégorie ‘déchets’, ou pire ils les jettent dans la catégorie de recyclage ‘papier’. Parfois il reste encore du café ce qui contamine tout le papier qui aurait été recyclé. Bien trier ses articles est une chose (si vous devez utiliser une tasse jetable en papier, SVP la mettre au compost!), mais ça vous dirait d’abandonner cette habitude? NON, je ne ferais jamais la suggestion de passer une journée sans café! J’essaie de vous dire d’abandonner la tasse jetable pour un mois, ou même juste pour une semaine – OUI, utilisez une tasse réutilisable! Votre café restera plus chaud, vous allez sauver de l’argent, et v...
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5 Technologies That Have Transformed uOttawa
It might be strange to think about this but often the most influential and impactful technology on campus tends to be older technology, especially when it comes to environmental sustainability. I was recently asked to speak at a course about Technology, Society, and the Environment. The idea behind inviting me was to speak to the group about how campus sustainability has been helped along by technology. I thought that I might share this list with you too so you could learn a bit about the new, the old, the unconventional, and the interesting technologies that helped shaped our campus over the past few years. The Living Wall One of the most popular pieces of technology is the University of Ottawa's living wall. In fact, the wall is not just a pretty assortment of 1500 plants, it is a biofilter which is being used to help filter the air inside the FSS Building. The wall helps cleanse 80-85% of the volatile compounds in the air and it was also instrumental in helping soli...
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The Free Store Goes Mobile
The new Free Store is up and running and so far it is turning out to be a great success. Every day we bring another 10 boxes or so to the store and they are gone before the store closes. Funny thing though, no matter how much stuff we bring, there is always a hundred times more stuff waiting for us in our storage rooms. Sometimes it feels like a battle that can't be won. When you are trying to reduce the amount of things people consume, there is a tidal wave of entrenched conditioning to overcome. Think about it; every commercial is designed to get you to want something new. The first day of school means you need a new outfit. Going to a wedding means buying a new outfit. Want to take up yoga? New outfit. Want to turn over a new leaf.... new stuff is needed for that too. It seems that every time you want to do something new or different, or if want to mark an occasion or celebrate something, there is an understanding that a purchase is in order. And in case you aren't co...
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The Free Store is Awesome
Something pretty big is on the way and we think that you should be excited about it. The Free Store at the University of Ottawa is undergoing a change, or maybe a better way to say it is an evolution. But this evolution comes at a cost and before the end of this blog post, I am going to try to give you such a compelling argument that you will want to help us pay this cost. Because what comes afterwards might be the most fundamental shift in the way you deal with waste in a generation. Now that I have the hype out of the way, let's talk a little about history. uOttawa's Free Store was born from the dream of a place that could never really exist. It was a concept or an idea that people whispered about; more of an urban myth than an actual place. Think about it... a store where everything is free. What does that even mean? How could it sustain itself without an income? When I was a student back in the early 2000's, I had heard that there was a Free Store over at Carlet...
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