Showing posts with the label documentaries


Biologique ou Locale? What's Better?

Photo credit: Aujourd’hui, un de nos participants Katimavik m’a posé une excellente question : ‘Qu’est-ce qui est mieux : de la nourriture biologique (organique) ou locale?’ Dans l’intérêt de ce blog, j’essaierai de donner une réponse hyper-courte et simple. The use of pesticides and chemical fertilizers has a terrible impact on the environment, as well as the health of people working on the farm and of course people consuming the end product. Pesticides have a long list of negative health effects: the organophosphates and carbamates affect the nervous system, others can irritate the skin or eyes, some pesticides could be carcinogens, and others have been found to affect the hormone or endocrine system in the body. Pesticides can also harm local flora and fauna such as bees and birds. Moreover, chemical fertilizers usually make their way into local rivers and lakes, fertilizing blooms of algae that deplete oxygen and create a “dead zone” (no oxy...