Ten years ago when I was a student at the University of Ottawa, I had this magical dream of something called a Free Store. I had heard from my friends that Carleton University had one and I instantly had to have one on my campus. I had never seen one for myself but I imagined that this incredible space would house row upon row of all manner of useful items. The walls would be adorned with beautifully framed pictures, the floors we be flooded with thick velvety carpets, and I would be able to spend hours just sifting through the sea of one of a kind knick-knacks. Did I ever feel like a tool when I saw that the Free Store was nothing more than 5 boxes in the corner of a small student office. Apparently when there were enough people, they would put the boxes on the desk to make them easier to rummage through. Pfft, I was crushed. So a year later OPIRG hosted a Clothing Swap at the University of Ottawa. It was fun, there were at least 8 garbage bags worth of clothes and one rack to han...
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There are many examples of unsustainable things going on in the world and here are a few I’ve read about or seen going on in Canada. Unsustainable, the amount of pressure we put on the soil for commercial clear cutting of forests; soil can no longer retain water thus the landscape is destroyed. Unsustainable, one of the world’s dirtiest industries, “the oil sands production generates three times the greenhouse gas emission as a barrel of conventional oil”*. Up to 4 barrels of water are used to produce 1 barrel of tar sand oil “resulting in gigantic tailings [pools] of toxic waste that can be seen from outer space by the naked eye”**. This water is drained from the Athabasca (which in Cree means where there are plants one after another - will we have to change the name soon?) River in Alberta. Unsustainable, our Canadian mining industry is among the biggest in the world and also involved in 33% of mining conflicts (whether “taking over land abroad and polluting water sources, destro...
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L’été est la saison pour le ménage intense, les boutiques dans le marcher By et la sangria dans le jardin. Si l’on désire marier ménage et boutiques, je vous recommande d’aller faire un tour au Wunderkammer sur la rue Dalhousie. C’est une boutique éclectique, inétressante et toujour surprenante. The store’s efforts to re-use vintage jewellery and leather goes to show how being green can actually be very cool. If you have some old jewellery, accessories or even wallpaper hanging around your house or apartment, the artists would love to have it. And you could get up to 30% off your purchase. How can anyone resist that? And the staff/artists are absolutely fabulous. Upon calling the store, I had a great conversation with Nathan who was nice enough to take the time to explain the whole concept of the Spring Cleaning Event happening on June 14th, from 6 - 9 pm. The whole idea of the swapping sale began with the artists going to the United States to dig up vintage components in or...
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Sustainable Zombie Apocalypse Survival Kit
In lieu of the recent Zombie outbreak in Miami Florida, we here at the Office of Campus Sustainability , are taking all measures to ensure our safe and sustainable future. We have decided to share with you tips to creating your own sustainable Zombie Apocalypse Survival Kit (some items available at the Free Store ). Basic Tools and Supplies Water: Keeping in mind issues with water depletion and privatization, we suggest purchasing a water filtration device. This not only provides you with greater access to water sources, but the freedom from heavy and burdensome packs of water. One gallon of water per person per day for at least three days, for drinking and sanitation is recommended. Luckily filters can be used numerous times before being replaced. Think about how much faster you’ll be escaping those Zombies now! Food: Local is the way for your gourmet meals on the go! So in preparation for the upcoming Zombie apocalypse head to your local farmers market and find your fav...
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Upcyclin’ the Student Life
In lieu of Jon’s recent blog on turning wooden pallets into furniture , I decided to write my own blog on sustainable student living. Mostly because I have found myself since I started university to be very anti-Ikea. Now, don’t get me wrong, I am sure the Swedes have a lot of unique, mass produced, and cheap furniture to adorn your apartment with (you may sense some sarcasm and contradictions, I apologize Ikea lovers) but maybe I am just too crafty or cheap to commit to buying things. Thus, I have upcycled many a thing since I’ve moved to Ottawa. My tips : Find friends that are moving, or strangers, around the end of the month and pester them for shit they don’t feel like carrying to a new place, or scour the streets on the night before garbage day .This is how I have acquired the majority of my stuff; whether coming across it randomly when walking home or through friends that had no interest in packing it away and transporting it. Once you have found some stuff, customi...
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Impacts du Déposez et dégagez sur la communauté: l'abri pour les jeunes femmes Evelyn Horne
Lors des quatre dernières années, nous avons fait don de plus de 70% du matériel amassé lors du déposez et dégagez; nous choisissons des organismes de bienfaisance locales qui distribuent les articles directement aux personnes en besoin (versus un organisme qui revendrais les articles). Nous avons une liste de plus de 15 organismes qui recueillent des articles particuliers pour leurs opérations; p ex. un abri aurait besoin de couvertes et oreillers, et un centre de placement aurait besoin des vêtements et articles de cuisine. Faire la tournée de dons est une expérience révélatrice; nous avons la chance de voir à quel point nous pouvons aider des personnes en besoin (et à quel point nous sommes chanceux d’avoir tout ce qu’on a). Voici le profil d’un des organismes ‘l’abri pour jeunes femmes Evelyn Horne’ : « Ce programme offre aux jeunes femmes âgées de 12 à 20 ans l’accès immédiat à un logement sécuritaire. Ouvert 365 jours par année, l’Abri pour jeunes femmes Evelyn Horn...
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Maybe it's a language thing?
I come from a bilingual family. Growing up, I’d speak French with my mom and English with my dad, went to school in French and was part of a youth orchestra in Ottawa (mostly anglophones). Hence, I did read Harry Potter in English and speak it fluently, but I had what some people called “a cute French accent” till I was about 14 and decided to get rid of it. But this bilingualism thing made for some very interesting conversations now that I think of it. When I was hanging out with my friends at school, we’d be gossiping about who had a crush on who and so on. So when I hung out with my anglophone orchestra buddies, we’d do the same. But sometimes it just came out wrong : “So do you think he has a kick on her? He was totally cruising her!”. See, in French “un kick” is slang for a crush and “cruiser” is slang for flirting. Now that I think about it, it must have sounded very violent and weird. But I didn’t know better and was sure what I was saying was clear. I mean, they wer...
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Wooden Pallet Table or DIY Student Furniture?
I recently moved into a new condo, a very easy decision for me to make as an environmentalist. Condos use less resources per capita than houses do and my condo is seeking a LEED Silver certification. There was only one sticking point... I wanted access to a backyard, which is tough for a condo. But I was lucky and bought a place with a big enough balcony that there are planters. So there I am, got my condo, got my sort of backyard, all I needed was some patio furniture. Here is where things get complicated, basically because of my brother. His advice was simple "What are you stupid? Don't buy your furniture now... wait until the end of the season and get a high quality patio set for a quarter of the price." And since I am broke now, this kind of made sense to me. But what do I do for the rest of the summer, sit on milk crates? Luckily Brigitte came to my rescue and shared a couple of sites with me about pallet furniture. This site is a pretty good representation o...
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Hey remember acid rain? Yeah... not cool
As I drive along a road to my grand-father’s house on the week-end, I can’t help but notice the monster smokestacks that spoil Sudbury’s landscape. They can be spotted from miles away; towering over the (unusually) short vegetation and blackened granite. You can actually see a line where the exposed rocks have been blackened, and the recently broken or weathered rocks are pink and light grey (their natural color). Then it happened; a terribly geeky science moment! I remembered reading about acid rain problems in Sudbury being the cause for the lack of lush forest and bountiful wildlife; all because of the mega-smokestacks: Acid rain is produced when pollutants such as sulfur dioxide (SO2) are chemically transformed to sulphuric acid in the atmosphere; they are then transported and eventually deposited in the form of rain or snow. Over 90% of acid rain in North America is the result of burning fossil fuels for energy (such as coal), and more importantly smelting or refining sulphur...
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Reduce, Reuse, and then Recycle!
The Burger family (Chris and Cindy) of Whitney Point, NY, produce less than a bag of garbage together in a year (about 12 ounces of garbage per person per year). To put things in perspective, on the uOttawa campus, employees and students (grad + undergrad + international + employees = 45289*) create 2 385 402 pound of waste a year, which means on average the uOttawa population produces 52.7 pounds of waste every year and most students are only on campus eight months of the year. That said, the University of Ottawa operates over 18 waste diversion programs. For example, there is traditional paper recycling (about 28% of all recycling), metal and commercial glass products, and more recent ones like the all plastics recycling, YES ALL OF THEM . In recent years, uOttawa also entered the Recyclemania challenge, initiated the Dump & Run program, as well as the furniture recycling program, which has avoided costs of close to $500,000**. This is part of why the University ...
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The Tales of the Office of Sustainability
Chapter 13- Dump and Run It was a dark, rainy day when the students were given the ultimatum- have your belongings gathered by noon or leave them for the trash yard. The hurried first-years rushed through their residence rooms, collecting their beloved possessions and ditching their less important things. Between threats from parents, annoyed siblings and under watch by residence employees, they only half-scrapped together their lives and left the rest behind as they departed for summer vacation. Clothes that were deemed unfashionable, unfitting, or simply forgotten clung to rez corners and were plucked up and thrown into the trash. Some students made the attempt to give them better homes and placed them with care into the Dump and Run locations. Others just took the lot of stuff they did not want and threw it in black bags and tossed them into the dumpster to die. The dumpster is a dingy and dank place. The black bags and random items comprise the space; and sharp objects pok...
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A step closer to the end of poverty
Once a year, the University of Ottawa organizes an event where they recycle, recuperate and reuse students', employees' and the community’s unused clothes, electronics, dishes, food (canned) and other reusable things. This amazing program is called the Dump and Run . That said, the Office of Campus Sustainability’s goal, among many others, is to promote recycling, community engagement, and most of all waste diversion on campus. Over the years, the event has grown and is becoming a part of the uOttawa experience, partly due to the increase in popularity of the event and partly because of the increase in community and students’ involvement. Now, you are probably wondering why I named this blog "The End of Poverty" since I have not yet discussed poverty. Among the goals mentioned previously, the University of Ottawa wishes to contribute (in their small way) to the end of poverty in the city of Ottawa by promoting this event and leading by example. To fight p...
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uOttawa et la fin de la pauvreté...
Une fois par année, lorsque les étudiants quittent les résidences sur le campus, l’Université d’Ottawa organise un événement de récupération de nourriture non-périssable, vêtements, vaisselle et autres articles ménagers. Ce merveilleux événement s’appelle le «Déposez et dégagez». Un parmi plusieurs buts du Bureau du développement durable de l’Université d’Ottawa est de promouvoir l’entraide dans la communauté et surtout la réduction de déchets produits sur le campus. Au fil des ans, le programme connait de plus en plus de succès forcément dû à la hausse de popularité du programme, la hausse de l’implication de la communauté ainsi que le bon travail du département de communication et l’équipe au Bureau du développement durable. Maintenant, vous vous demandez surement pourquoi j’ai intitulé « La fin de la pauvreté» comme titre à un blog qui ne discute que du développement durable. Or, le but du Déposez et dégager, autre que ceux mentionné précédemment est de soutenir notre communa...
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Biking vs. Walking
I recently joined up for the Bike to Work challenge being hosted by the City of Ottawa. The point is to create a goal about how much you would like to bike to work during the month of May, post your goal on their website, and then work towards that goal. Everything was going really well, I signed up on the site, set my goal.... and then I realized a day later that I have moved and don't bike as much as I used to, In fact, I don't actually need to bike at all to get to work. So now I am stuck in the precarious postilion of in no way being able to meet my cycling goal. This has played heavily on my mind and it got me thinking... what is better for the environment, walking or biking. At first glance you would think walking has biking beat hands down on this one; but maybe not. Resources First consider the amount of stuff that goes into making a bike (frame, pedals, seat, etc.) and maintaining. This number isn't so bad if you consider that amount of time y...
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