Wow, things are starting to get really busy... I might even venture to say ridiculously busy. Nope, maybe we are quite there yet, but we are close. My boss predicted that 2010 would be the year of sustainability and that we would become so busy we wouldn't have time to think as we got closer and closer to the tipping point. That being said, I suppose it didn't come as a surprise when I was asked to sit in on a planning meeting for the new Student Center. For those of you not in the know, the University of Ottawa and th Student Federation have been trying to negotiate a new University Center for years. The original Jock Turcot building was designed for a campus of about 15,000 to 17,000 students and I think that we are a little beyond that right now. So recently Physical Resources Services (PRS) and the SFUO have gotten together to finally design a new center. Just as an aside I wanted to mention the whole University Center vs. Student Center thing. The new center that is planne...
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Teach-in for Climate Justice
From March 1st to 12th an International Campaign called the “Teach-in for Climate Justice” is taking place, during which professors at Universities in BC, Ontario, and around the world are encouraged to put aside 20 minutes of class to discuss how Climate Justice is relevant to their discipline. Climate Justice brings together people of all different backgrounds and interests to recognize that those who will be, and already are, hit hardest by anthropogenic climate change are not the same as the industrial society that created the problem. Fewer days of frozen lakes make Canadian aboriginal communities that rely on ice roads less able to transport necessary supplies; drought in Sub-Saharan Africa is exacerbating the situation in already famine stricken areas; and sea level rising will soon leave millions of Bangladeshis without a home. In much of the industrialized world we have accumulated the capital to, at least preliminarily, buffer us from the effects of climate change. True Cl...
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Festival de films environnementaux
À mes chèr·e·s cinéastes, Samedi j'ai eu la chance de passer six heures à regarder des films environnementaux. Oh que de culture! Oh que d'information! Oh quel mal de fesses! Le festival, organisé par le groupe Katimavik (des jeunes canadien·ne·s font du bénévolat pendant plusieurs mois dans différentes communautés au Canada), avait lieu à Rockland. Ils ont diffusé 12 films et de ces 12, j'en ai vu 4 que je partage avec vous. Les descriptions sont une gracieuseté du programme Katimavik **je rajouterai mes commentaires + tard; pour l'instant je vais me coucher!: 1) L’erreur boréale (1999) Réalisateurs: Richard Desjardins & Robert Monderie ||| Durée: 69 min ||| Français Alors que le silence et l'ignorance règnent en maître sur nos forêts, et malgré le discours officiel qui nous assure que le patrimoine forestier demeurera intact, ce documentaire choc soulève la question de la responsabilité collective devant la destruction d'un environnement unique au monde. L...
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La durabilité au Jeux olympiques et paralympiques d’hiver de 2010
Il est difficile d'organiser un événement sans impact sur l'environnement lorsqu'il est aussi vaste et complexe que les Jeux olympiques et paralympiques d’hiver de 2010. Toutefois, le Comité d’organisation (COVAN) a pris une approche agressive dans le but d'intégrer la durabilité dans les jeux. Donc nous allons mettre de côté la controverse du passé et regarder certaines actions positives qui ont été effectuées. Tout d'abord, le comité d'organisation de Vancouver a travaillé avec l’ International Academy of Sport Science and Technology (AISTS) pour créer un guide du sport et événement durable. « L'objectif est double : pour produire des opérations et des événements durables; et d'inspirer les athlètes, les commanditaires et les admirateurs à faire leur part pour un avenir durable. » [1] De nombreuses mesures intéressantes ont été mises en place pour atteindre les objectifs de développement durable afin de devenir les premiers jeux carboneutres. - ...
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Sustainability at the 2010 Olympics and Paralympics Winter Games
It is difficult to host an event with no environmental impact when it is as large and complex as the 2010 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games (VANOC). However, VANOC has taken an aggressive approach with the aim of building sustainability into the Games. So let’s put some of the past controversy aside and look at a few positive things that have been done. First of all, the Vancouver Organizing Committee worked with the International Academy of Sport Science and Technology (AISTS) to create a Sustainable Sport and Event Toolkit (SSET). “The goal is twofold: to produce sustainable operations and events; and to inspire athletes, sponsors and fans to do their part for a sustainable future.” [1] Many interesting measures have been put into place to reach sustainability objectives in order to become the first Carbon-Neutral Games. - LEED standards have been incorporated into venue design and construction. Eight sustainable venues are taking the waste heat and reusing it. In...
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Green Referendum
Image obtained from Boogie Woogie Flu The SFUO elections are taking place on February 9th, 10th, and 11th. All undergraduate students will receive emails to their uOttawa accounts giving them a pin for online voting. This year sustainability has been a topic brought up by many candidates and is central to two of the referendum questions. The Green Referendum asks students to contribute $2.00 per ($1.00 per part-time student) to assist with the SFUO’s Sustainable Development initiatives. This levy would help to ensure that no matter what the priorities of the SFUO that year, sustainable development initiatives are still being supported. These funds would help in creating a visible Sustainability Center where all students, clubs, and federated bodies could go to learn about sustainability and how to access resources such as the Green events subsidy for clubs. The Bike Co-op being created at Lees campus would also be supported by this levy, ensuring that students will have an accessi...
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Boxed Water: An Environmentally Friendly Choice?
Image coutesy of Many municipalities, workplaces, and universities are contemplating becoming bottle water free and implementing bottle free zones. The Canadian Federation of Municipalities is urging all of its members to ban the sale of bottled water in municipally owned buildings. The University of Winnipeg became officially bottled water free last year. Even the University of Ottawa’s SFUO is taking action by not selling bottled water at their events or in some businesses, such as Cafe Alt. These changes are taking place as a response to the fact that approximately 1.5 million barrels of oil, enough to run 100,000 cars for a whole year, are used to make plastic water bottles, while transporting these bottles burns even more oil[1]. Furthermore, it costs up to 10,000 times more for bottled water than tap water, a ludicrous cost, especially when living on a student budget[2]. One Michigan company has decided to offer an “environmentally product” while benefitting from...
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Bottled Water Part 2: Water Fountains
Have you ever drunk from one of the water fountains on campus? Did it look like this? Have you ever seen the newer fountains that have a spout that can fill up a water bottle, that are accessible, that are clean, and have cold water? That’s what I’m talking about. In the summer of 2008 and 2009, water fountain assessments were completed in order to find out the state of water fountains on our campus. Main reason being: the better fountain infrastructure we have, the more people will drink from it instead of buying bottled water. uOttawa, in its efforts to improve its status as a green university and also to improve the student experience, put aside $150,000 over two years to improve water fountain infrastructure based on the recommendations from the two reports from the summer assessments. One of the major recommendations this year was to put water fountains near food service locations like the cafeteria in SITE and UCU, since this is where most bottled water is sold. The idea is that ...
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The Last Hooray
So something pretty cool is going to happen on Tuesday. It could have a substantial transformative impact on the campus community but we won’t really know until next week. But just the fact that it is going to happen is kind of inspirational in its own right. Okay, I am sure that you are quite aware that I am teasing you right now but come on; we all love a little suspense right? Well anyways on Wednesday, City Council will be listening to delegates talking about the U-Pass. This is part of a big push to get the City to adopt a U-Pass for students at $145 per semester. This alone isn’t really that amazing but I haven’t mentioned that the delegates of the various presentations include students from Carleton University and the University of Ottawa; as well as executives from both student federations. This continues a long tradition of intervention in the City of Ottawa by the respective universities. Believe it or not, the University of Ottawa has a vested interest in making sure that Ot...
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Bottled Water Part 1: Basics and Campus happenings
This year, the bottled-water free campaign will continue. In this two-part blog entry we’ll discuss the issues of bottled water in general and on campus, and then go into the water fountain assessment later. To quote Jon in an earlier blog post regarding bottled water: “In one hundred years from now is it possible that historians will look back and think that we were crazy to try to commodity water and sell it at thousands of times the price of what it costs to get from your tap? Is it possible that we are draining precious aquifers for limited profit at the expense of future generations? And is it possible that in the future, wars may be fought over water instead of oil?” Water is a huge issue. Some people don’t have enough water, some people don’t have clean water, some people have to travel many kilometers to find water, some people pay too much for water, and some people abuse water. I’m not about to try to solve in one fell swoop all of these problems. But there are defini...
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Êtes-vous prêt à utiliser votre Bac vert?
Il est vrai que l’université d’Ottawa est à l’avance en ce qui concerne l’adoption d’un programme de compost mécanique, par contre, c’est quand même un soulagement que la Ville d’Ottawa ait décidé de diminuer leurs déchets! Comme la plupart d’entre vous le savent déjà, grâce à l’impressionnante campagne de marketing, le programme des Bacs verts d’Ottawa est arrivé! La Ville collectera les matières organiques toutes les deux semaines pendant l’hiver. Elles seront ensuite ramassées une fois par semaine au printemps, à l’été et à l’automne. Veuillez consulter votre Calendrier de la collecte 2009-2011 pour plus de détails. Comme moi, vous pourriez ne pas avoir reçu votre bac. C’est peut être parce que la première étape du programme visait seulement les résidences individuelles, les petits immeubles de six logements ou moins et les résidences en zone rurale où la Ville effectue une collecte en bordure de rue. Voici les prochaines étapes de distribution : Étape 1b : Les résidents des au...
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Are you ready to use your Green Bin?
So uOttawa might have won the race against the City of Ottawa in getting a mechanical composter, but it’s quite a relief that the City is diverting waste. As most of you are aware, thanks to an impressive marketing campaign, the Ottawa Green Bin program is here! It will be collecting organic waste once every two weeks during the winter Throughout spring, summer and fall, it will be collected weekly. To know when you should put your green bin to the curb, view the collection calendar to keep track of pick up dates. Like me, you might not have received your bin. This might be because the first phase of the program only delivered to single residential properties, low-rise multi-unit residential properties with six units or less and rural village residents with curbside pick up. Here are the following distribution dates: Phase 1b : The remaining multi-unit housing with curbside collection will receive their green bins and begin participating in the program before September of 2010. Phas...
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New Push for the U-Pass
Last year the stage was set for a U-pass in Ottawa. The orchestra was primed to play a wonderful sonata: the SFUO and the University of Ottawa were ready to put forward the money and administration to get things rolling. The actors had rehearsed their lines: City council and OC Transpo had a plan laid out before them. And at the pivotal moment as the show was about to start, the audience collectively held their breath. But the curtains never opened, the spotlights never lit up, and everyone was just told to go home... no show tonight ladies and gentlemen. Well one year later and everyone is back for another show. Once again there is an opportunity to provide students at the University of Ottawa with a fare-reduced bus pass. But there are a couple of differences in this year’s campaign that are worth mentioning, and are turning heads over at City Hall. The first major change is the cost. The Student Federation is pushing for a new $145 price tag for the pass. The kicker is that the ...
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What I call organic, my Grandma just called food
100 Mile Bread made by uOttawa student Sarah Campbell Food that is now seen as “specialty” and that one has to go out of her way to find, such as local, organic fare produced by small scale farmers, was once the only food available. It’s true that in those days people had to put more effort into food preparation and had to think a bit harder about how to keep meals interesting with ingredients limited to what was grown in the region, however, even in situations of energy scarcity, trade conflicts, or war we were guaranteed a food supply. Now the average item in the supermarket comes from over 1500 kilometres away and needs large water, energy, pesticide, and fertilizer inputs to support the large-scale, industrial, commodity crop farms it comes from. In fact, most the diversity we find in the supermarket is simply a manipulation of commodity corn and soy in the form of many different cereals, sauces, crackers, and candies. Our industrialized and commoditized food system has led...
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Breath easy... really!
Imagine my surprise a couple of years ago when I strolled into the office and found out that our office does regular monitoring of the CO2 levels in classrooms. I wasn't surprised that we did it, I mean this only makes sense right? People exhale CO2 with every breath and if not monitored it can really accumulate. No I was surprised that we won an award for doing it. It turns out that not very many, if any, other institutions do this. I was flabbergasted to say the least. CO2 is natural occurring gas that has of course recently found notoriety because of Climate Change. Of course too much CO2 can have dramatic impacts on the Earth's capacity to retain heat, but it can also kill you if the concentrations are too high. I am being a tad melodramatic here; the concentrations needed to actually kill a human are ridiculously high. But that doesn't mean that the concentrations that are present in your typical indoor environment can't cause major discomfort. At 1% CO2 in the env...
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